Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Planning Stage

Our group planned on the whole documentation film thing. Distribution of works to each member was done. We planned on researching useful information about our topic as we were almost done with our topic outline. But our group leader successfully finished this researching so he just asked us to search for related videos and pictures, which can help us in the film production.

We also planned on when we will have an expert interview on our shooting place - Caliraya Hydroelectric Power Plant. This is, so far, the only place we planned to have a shooting on. We're still searching for some appropriate authority to obtain useful information. As agreed upon, we will have our shooting on December 6, 2008 at Caliraya. Since none of us have video camera at home, we have decided to use our digital cameras instead for the film production. But we still find ways to have a video camera with us and hopefully, we could have one as soon as possible.

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